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What Is DevOps and How Can It Help Your Business?

    What is DevOps?

    DevOps is an important work methodology and philosophy in software development driven by customer value. DevOps emphasizes agile methods, collaboration, and automation. It is used by the companies with the greatest success in releasing software products and updates quickly. 

    But what is DevOps in terms of how it works? What makes it valuable? How is it measured? And how do you add it to your own business quickly? We’ll touch on these questions. If you are interested in quickly having access to a DevOps-enabled team, contact Excel SoftSources.

    What Is DevOps in Software Development?

    DevOps is a method of software development that focuses on the almost constant delivery of results for software users. It aims to give value to customers quickly and consistently, using a variety of tools, processes, and workers. 

    If the DevOps methodology is employed properly, potential customers will see the value that a DevOps-enabled team has to offer, and will seek their services. DevOps must be embedded in the culture of a workplace to reach its full potential. Everyone must be on board to use new work processes and to search for faster and more efficient ways to complete, master, and improve tasks and projects. It can also emphasize: 

    • Automation: Routine manual tasks can be turned over to automation as much as possible.
    • Dev and Ops Collaboration: Software development and operations are combined for greater efficiency.
    • Communication: Everyone in both development and operations stays in close communication, sharing responsibility for delivering value throughout the development cycle, instead of passing responsibility to another department and forgetting about it.
    • Technology: Practitioners use top-of-the-line technology to improve processes.

    What is DevOps vs agile? Are they the same? That’s a common question in this area. The agile methodology was one of the first improvements over traditional methods. DevOps builds on agile principles to promote collaboration between engineers of development, operations, and quality assessment—to name a few—to deliver optimal value to their customers. The DevOps methodology is a core value at Excel SoftSources.

    Why Is DevOps Valuable?

    DevOps helps companies deliver greater value to customers, but the businesses reap benefits as well. 

    For example, DevOps helps a company save time in its processes. Many IT tasks are repetitive, and automation can take them off of to-do lists. This improves motivation for workers who didn’t enjoy those tasks—or got tired of them. Moreover, these tasks are often completed by experts who can produce improved results in a reduced amount of time.

    This focus also encourages a mindset of innovation. Employees understand the benefits of continuously improving processes. And innovation leads to shorter development lifecycles in predictable, repeatable routines.

    successful devops developer

    How to Measure the Success of DevOps

    How is DevOps delivery value measured? Are your DevOps processes really working well, or are you just going through the motions? If you’re interested in how to measure DevOps success, here are three important metrics: 

    1. Faster, Better Initial Product Delivery: Companies that are experienced in using DevOps can complete projects up to 30 times more quickly than those that do not. You’ll need to consistently measure your speed of project completion and track any increases to that speed.
    2. Faster Product Updates: You should also track how quickly you can update products to meet user feedback. Find out how long it takes to insert a new line of code into a product. Traditional companies take months. DevOps users can cut this to weeks or even less than one day. 
    3. Improved Product: The purpose of DevOps is not simply to provide a product rapidly; quality assurance is a vital part of the process. DevOps-enabled teams should not only provide their product more quickly, but the product should also be improved. Failure rates and rollbacks should decrease.

    Take Advantage of DevOps in Your Company

    What can DevOps provide for you? It can be a source of great benefits to your organization, which you can enjoy quickly through a nearshore partnership with DevOps employees. We can help you keep development projects on track, raise your customer satisfaction, and update products more quickly. 
    For expert collaboration and convenient nearshore communication, contact Excel SoftSources today.