If you’re reading this article, at one point or another you probably asked yourself the question “What steps are involved in the process of sourcing an entire software development team for a digital transformation project?” The good news is, it’s not as complicated or time-consuming as you think—if you work with an experienced and credible nearshoring partner.
Below is a list of VERY simple steps involved with sourcing a nearshoring team. Where applicable, we have noted the steps that are unique to the process we use here at Excel Nearshore.
Step #1: Find an Experienced Nearshore Provider
The journey begins when the potential client (you) reaches out to a reputable nearshore provider. Although all nearshore providers specialize in connecting businesses with talent from nearby regions, the quality and experience level of providers can vary greatly. Be sure to find a nearshoring partner with MANY years in the business (more than 10) who can offer multiple references from long-term clients. We also recommend you verify that key executives of the nearshoring firm are based in North America —so you can schedule in-person meetings if you need to.
Step #2: Work with the Nearshore Provider to Define Positions
Collaboratively, you and the nearshore provider will work together to plan which positions are best staffed on-site, and which will be part of the nearshore team. This will require you to provide job descriptions for positions that need to be filled, ensuring both clarity and alignment in identifying the skill sets necessary for success. Because most nearshore providers leverage bench consultants, this step is unique to Excel Nearshore’s process—we actively recruit for every role, and never force clients to leverage existing consultants who may or may not be an exact fit for the work you need to complete.
Step #3: Let the Recruiting Begin!
Working through talent acquisition staff in the nearshore region, the provider you have chosen will post your open technical roles and begin the recruiting process. The nearshore provider will handle job posting, marketing, amplification, resume collection, screening, initial candidate interviewing and testing. It is important to note that at this point, if you are working with Excel Nearshore you have not spent or been asked for any money so far—these customized recruiting services are 100% free of charge for clients of Excel Nearshore.
Step #4: Participate in the Interview Process
Another step unique to Excel Nearshore is the interview process. As mentioned previously, Excel will screen your candidates for you, and curate a list of finalists that includes as many top candidates as you would like to see for each role (we recommend three). This allows you as the client to also participate in the evaluation of—and have input on—each candidate’s technical skills, communication abilities and cultural fit.
Step #5: Select the Perfect Team Member for Each Role
Armed with insights from the nearshore provider and your own interview experiences, the next step in the process is to work with your nearshore provider to build and finalize the team. This step also includes contracting with and onboarding each selected candidate, which includes a step-by-step onboarding process—if you have chosen to work with Excel Nearshore to build your software development team.
Wrapping it Up
Aside from the very simple process outlined above, partnering with a nearshore firm to source a software development team offers numerous benefits. Not only can a nearshore team be assembled in a matter of weeks versus months, but the cost savings associated with nearshoring can be substantial—with many clients enjoying a reduction of 30% to 50% compared to hiring full-time employees locally.
If you would like more information on building a dedicated nearshore team, please feel free to contact Excel directly by calling us any time at (612) 208-7465, or by completing the Contact Us form on our website. We look forward to hearing from you!